If you considering an invitation to apply for linking your blog and then do the same, thinking more visits, I think again!
That is a thing of the past and lacks any effectiveness. Rarely these links will generate clicks, since you are not referring to anything that might interest a user ...
In addition, Google does not like such practices. Imagine arriving at a page and see there dozens of links all disorganized and unrelated to each other ... do you generate this confidence? To me and probably not your users either.
There are more effective ways to build links naturally, or so-called organic links that can help you generate traffic to your site.
The key is to get others to link to you because they think you offer something valuable, or because the spread some content and describe below, you need to link to. In other words generate useful content and "awaken interest" is key.
If you already have some views, it's time to create viral content, meaning he, who generate great encouragement for broadcast. We see what it is;)
Create an infographic
A infografa is a graphical representation of information or data which briefly and concisely, using mostly images, a topic discussed in particular.
They are well received by users and has now become a very effective marketing strategy. If you know how to use a program like Photoshop or Paint.Net, this is your big chance.You have to create one!
Tip: As a tip I can tell you not think an infographic about anything, creates a topic that may be useful, interesting or have much height at that time. Make it concise, and well structured. The user can understand at a glance the order you have, and go easy understanding their composition, and of course that is visually appealing. Once created, post on your blog and if they like users, you'll see that receive links because it was shared;)
Some time ago I created my first computer graphics in which he spoke about the limits Blogger account and received much support. Take this opportunity to thank :)
Have in mind an interesting topic, and you have no idea how to start creating one? You can explore examples of infographics on Visual.ly, for inspiration.
If you know nothing about design, not you be discouraged, there are online tools that help you create an infographic using as a basis predesigned templates Want to see more information about computer graphics and how to create one from online templates ?