Hello And Sweet Members (Guests).
If you are a beginner, I would recommend you to choose free blogging to learn some basic steps. Don't worry, you will also be able to make money online with free blogging. First you have to write articles on your blog, after writing useful articles, you have to start sharing content on social networking sites and social bookmarking websites, so that more people can come to your articles easily. When your articles start to receive traffic from social media sites and search engine traffic, you can monetize your blog with these methods.
If Your Blog/Site gets at least 500 to 1000 unique visitors, you can generate sufficient income from your blog. Targeted visitors can give you 10 times better revenue from blogging. But if you are new to blogging and don't know how to do all of these works, I would recommend you to create free blog (hub) in hubpages.com , because hubpages allows users to make money online easily by writing just simple articles. You don't need to worry about monetizing , hubpages monetizes your articles so that you can generate huge revenue. Okay now I am going to tell you 15 easy ways to monetize your blog that will help you to generate passive income.
- 1. Use CPC Ad network:- Many bloggers use CPC (Cost Per Click) ad network to monetize their site, because this is the easiest method of monetizing your blog, whenever someone clicks on your ads, you will be paid by advertisers through online advertising network. There are over than thousands cpc ad networks on the web but all of them don't pay you high rate on each click so if you want to make sufficient money online , you should choose only popular ad networks such Google Adsense , chitika etc.
Making money via cpc ad network depends on the clicks on your ads, so placement of ads is the main thing of monetizing your blog. Most of ad networks pay you $0.03 to $0.30 for each click but when if you use Google Adsense, you can get up to $10 for each click. Sometimes Google pays more than $10 but it depends on the topic of your blog, because if you write articles on entertainment or news , you cannot get high cpc rate but when you write articles on investments or real estates , you can get up to $15 to $20 cpc rate.
Usually Google Pays $0.30 to $ 1 per click. If you don't have a Google Adsense account, you can apply for it directly but many site owners are declined by Google Adsense Team, so If you want to get quick approval, you can apply for it through third party websites such as - hubpages, indyarocks etc. It will help you to get approval quickly. You can also use chitika ads that pays also high rate on each click.Okay here I have listed some popular ad networks, you may try anyone of these:
- Google Adsense
- Chitika
- Clicksor
- Bidvertiser
- Adbrite
- Adhitz
- Adengage
- 2. Use CPM Ad network :- Using cpm ad network ( Cost per mile ) can give you extra income and if your site generates high amount of page-views, you must monetize your site with one popular cpm ad network. CPM online ad network pays to bloggers or site owners on ad impression basis instead of generating clicks on ads. Usually a popular cpm ad network pays $2 to $3 per thousand page views but in some cases , you can get up to $ 10 cpm rate. It depends on placement on ads, geographical location of your site visitors and the topic of your site. Okay here I have linked some popular CPM ad networks, you can try any on these.
- Burstmedia
- Tribalfusion
- Valueclickmedia
- Buysellads
- Projectwonderful
- Z5x.net
- Cpxinteractive
- Smowtion
- technoratimedia
- Ad4game
- Casalemedia
- 3. In-text Ad networks:- In-text ad networks also work great and you don't need extra ad space to use these kinds of ads, because these ads appear within the texts of your articles as double underlined links, Although you can customize it so that these ads look like simple links. Here is the list of in-text ads serving ad networks:
- Infolinks
- Kontera
- Vibrant Media
- Affinity
- 4. Ads on Images: If you use images on articles, you can also monetize your images to generate more online revenue. Whenever someone mouse hovers on images, Ads will be displayed on your article's images. This method works great if your site has lots of images. If you have a wallpaper site, this kind of ad will generate huge revenue from your published photos. Okay here I have listed some online advertising networks that offer this kind of ads.
- Luminate
- GumGum
- Affinity
- Adbrite
- Imagespacemedia
- 5. Affiliate Networks:- Promoting affiliate programs could be more profitable than using only ad networks. When you promote high paying affiliate programs on your site, you can earn thousands of dollars per month. If you write reviews on your affiliate programs and put your affiliate links on the article, it would be more profitable than using banner ads.
Affiliate marketing can help you to make over than thousand dollars per month easily but the main factor is choosing high paying related affiliate programs for your blog, so that your visitors can visit and take action on your affiliate links. When you join affiliate network, you can find thousands of affiliate programs. Affiliate network is a group of affiliate programs where you can find thousands of high paying affiliate programs which are based on CPA ( Cost per action ) , CPS ( Cost Per Sale) and CPL (Cost Per Lead). Okay here I have written about some popular affiliate networks that help you to make easy money online.
- Amazon Associates
- Clickbank
- Google Affiliate
- Shareasale
- Linkshare
- Click booth
- Commission Junction
Although there are many ways to monetize your blog but these ways are most popular on the web but you can also try these ways to make extra money from your blog:
- 6. Showing sponsored Jobs: Showing sponsored jobs could generate more revenue from your site. Whenever your visitors click on the jobs, you will be paid. Some program pays you to send active job seekers. They pay life time commission, I mean whenever they complete any job, you will receive commission. You may try these websites for this purpose:
- Simplyhired
- Indeed
- donanza
- Freelancer Affiliate
- Elance
- Odesk affiliate
- 7. Showing ads on your site feed: Displaying ads on your feeds can generate huge revenue if your site has over than 10000 feed subscribers. Displaying ads on feed is an extra way that helps site owners to make decent money online from their online content. You can monetize your ads using these ad networks:
- Google Adsense
- Bidvertiser
- Affinity
- Clicksor
- 8. Displaying ads on your site search result:- If your site generates huge page views, you can use this method to monetize your site. When your users try to find something on your site, ads will be displayed with the search result. You can use these sites to monetize your site search.
- Google Adsense
- Bidvertiser
- Affinity
- Clicksor
- 9. Using pop up ads- Using pop up ads could generate huge online revenue from your site, but these kinds of ads are not considered as standard ad format. It can reduce your regular visitors because whenever people open your site, a pop up window will be opened in a new tab that will display ads. Whenever someone will take any action on your site, pop up ad will be displayed. Although these kinds of ads generate huge online revenue but I would recommend you to use these kinds of ads only when your site receive over than 80% search traffic and your site is based on wallpapers. Okay here I have listed some top ad networks that serve pop up ads.
- Clicksor
- Valueclickmedia
- Admagnet
- Infinityads
- 10. Writing sponsored posts:- Publishing sponsored or paid articles on your blog is one of the most profitable ways to make money online without making any investment. If you have ability to write reviews on advertisers' products or website, you should also try this way, because some of popular ad networks pay an average of $20 to $100 per review. Although if your site is new, you will get only $2 to $25 for your review but when your site will be known as a popular website, you can charge over than $100 per post. Okay let's see some ad networks that pay bloggers to write paid posts.
- Payperpost
- blogvertise
- sponsoredreviews
- 11. Promoting text link ads: - Promoting text link ads can generate high online review but Google search engine hates this technique. But when you promote text link ads, you can make thousands of dollars per month. You don't need worry about generate clicks or ad impression but the advertisers pay on monthly basis. These ads look like simple links so it is very difficult to understand that you're promoting text link ads. Here are some option to promote text link ads:
- 12. Promoting individual affiliate programs:- Promoting individual affiliate programs is another great way to make money online. Some affiliate programs are not available on affiliate networks, so you have to join it directly. There are many web hosting affiliate programs, referral programs on the web that are not available on popular affiliate networks, but you can join them individually.
- Conduit
- Babylon Dictionary
- Revresponse
- 13. Promoting referral programs:- There are some referral program that pays high commission on each referral. You will receive life time commission on your referral earnings. I mean whenever your referred person earns something, you will receive commission. Here are some referral programs that you may try:
- Chitika --- 10 % commission
- Clicksor ----- 10 % commission
- Viglink --------30% commission on first year
- 14. Promoting Paid Application or Software: Yes, you can also make money by promoting paid application and software. If you love installing software, this method will help you to make more money online with your interest. Here I have listed some affiliate programs that offers paid applications or software.
- Regnow
- Bluesnap (formerly Plimus)
- Apple's iTunes Affiliate
- 15. Selling Themes & Plugins: Yes you can also make money by selling websites themes and plugins. I have seen many people who makes over than thousand dollars per month by selling just paid themes. You don't need to have any kind of technical skill. Just join some affiliate networks and start promoting themes on your site.
- Codecanyon
- Themeforest
- Shareasale
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