Introducing you with a new mining site.
Why use Cointellect?
Cointellect offer free Dogecoin mining also their service allow users to purchase hashing power and enable miners to contribute to a pool.
Besides thats you have 10% affiliate commission even your ref. is just free miner.
How to get started ?
2- Confirm your account via "Activation Email" ...
3- Now Download software from there, Install and then run it in your PC / RDP...
Personally telling you that I am running this software in my many RDPs.. So earning many euros from it. :D
Earning Proof:
Exchange Dogecoin to Bitcoin:
1- You can use exchangers site to convert your Dogecoins to Bitcoins Simply.
Some tips for earn more with Cointellect:
1- End task unnecessary programs that run background.
2- Don't forget to use invitation code so you can get your first coin soon.
Thanks! I hope you Enjoyed it... :)